[00:00] Richard C. Howard: Hey, guys, Ricky here with DoD Contract Academy podcast. And today is the finale, the finale of our top three interviews of 2022, which we have re-posted for you. So these are the episodes where we either got the most listens or the most feedback, emails, text questions, e...
[01:06] Richard C. Howard: Hey, guys! Richard here with government sales momentum. Today is a great episode. We are interviewing Doctor Kizzy Parks, and what's great about this episode is Kizzy has two very unique angles, I guess you could say, on the federal marketplace. One is she has her own cons...

Luke Robertson | Director, Business Development | Honeywell
"DoD Contract Academy's government contracting knowledge is literally unmatched. Ricky's experience both as an acquisitions officer for the US government and as the head of a consultancy helping businesses navigate the federal marketplace gives him a unique "both sides of the coin" perspective. He's saved me hundreds of hours in research and provided spot on advice. I Recommend him to any company who wants to successfully and consistently sell services or goods to the US government!"
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