[00:00] Richard C. Howard: Hey guys, Ricky here with Dodcontract.com, host of the DOD Contract Academy podcast. And we help small businesses sell products and services to the US. Military. We talk to small business owners that have had phenomenal success selling to the gover...

[01:12] Richard C. Howard: Well, hey, thanks, everyone, for joining the Government Sales Momentum podcast. Today we are with Bill Mooney, president at Mooney International, LLC. Hey, Bill, how's it going today?
[01:22] Bill Mooney: Real fine. How are you?
[01:24] Richard C. Howard: Oh, fantastic. ...

[01:09] Richard C. Howard: Hey, guys. Richard here with government sales momentum. Thanks for listening to this week's podcast. This week we're going to talk a little bit about the type of team that you need to put together to effectively go after government contracts, win th...

[01:13]: Hey, guys. Richard here with Richard C. Howard and associates and the government Sales Momentum Podcast. Whether you're watching a video on our website or you are listening to the podcast, thanks for taking time to listen to us today. I think it's going to be valuab...

[01:11]: Hey, guys, Richard here. Thanks for listening to Government Sales momentum in this episode. I wanted to give a quick review because the meat of this episode covers the question, are you ready for government sales? But it was actually put out initially in a video to ...

[01:12]: Hey, Richard here and thanks for listening to the Government Sales Momentum podcast. Today we're going to be talking about what it takes for a small business to sell to the government. I just wanted to dispel some myths that are out there and really what you need to...

Luke Robertson | Director, Business Development | Honeywell
"DoD Contract Academy's government contracting knowledge is literally unmatched. Ricky's experience both as an acquisitions officer for the US government and as the head of a consultancy helping businesses navigate the federal marketplace gives him a unique "both sides of the coin" perspective. He's saved me hundreds of hours in research and provided spot on advice. I Recommend him to any company who wants to successfully and consistently sell services or goods to the US government!"
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