3 Power Questions That Win Government Contracts

Sep 03, 2024

Welcome to DoD Contract Academy, where we dive into the world of Government Contracting. I’m Ricky Howard, a former government procurement officer, and today we're talking about three essential questions you need to ask the government to determine if you have a real shot at winning a contract.

1. Is There Funding?
Before you invest time and resources, find out if the government has the funds for the contract. If they say, “No, not until the next fiscal year,” you know it’s not an immediate opportunity. Adjust your expectations and timeline accordingly. On the other hand, if it's this year’s money, you might be looking at an immediate purchase.

2. What’s the Timeline?
Understanding the timeline for purchase is crucial. Ask directly, “When do you plan to make this purchase?” Whether they give you a specific date or a general timeframe, this information helps you manage your pipeline and expectations effectively.

3. How Will This Be Put on Contract?
The method the government plans to use for putting the contract out is vital. If it’s open competition, be ready to write a proposal. If it’s a set-aside for a specific category (like a woman-owned small business), ensure you meet the criteria or consider teaming up with someone who does.

Asking these questions early can save you from wasting time and resources on opportunities that aren’t right for you. They also give you an edge in the competition by helping you better understand the government’s needs and processes.

If you’re looking to learn more about Government Contracting or want to join our certification program, visit govclose.com. Our certified representatives are already out there winning contracts, and if you're a company looking to hire trained professionals, we can match you with the best.

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"DoD Contract Academy helped us identify and win a spot in the AFWERX Challenge showcase! I highly recommend to all companies looking to sell products, services or a new technology to the US military."

$12.7M in Government Contracts