Real Estate Agent is the WORST Profession in America. This is why...

Jul 19, 2024

Thinking about becoming a real estate agent? Stop right there. If you’re already a real estate agent, you might be better off becoming a Government Contracting advisor or consultant. Here's why.

The numbers don't lie: with between 1.5 to 3 million real estate agents in the U.S. and only 4 million homes sold last year, competition is fierce. It’s one of the most competitive professions out there, making it hard to secure leads and close deals.

Instead, consider the government sales process. Our program at teaches you how to navigate Government Contracting, helping businesses sell to the government. Initial offers range from $3,500 to $9,500, and you set your fees—no brokerage cuts. There’s also potential for monthly retainer clients, giving you a steady income with minimal overhead.

If you’ve had any success in real estate, you can excel in Government Contracting where competition is much lower. As a former Government Acquisitions Officer, I've seen firsthand how lucrative this field can be. Since 2019, I've been helping companies secure government contracts, often earning more than traditional real estate sales.

For those who still want to pursue real estate through Government Contracting, there are opportunities, though limited. The Department of Defense spent $1.53 billion on real estate-related activities recently. However, most of this spending is on rental and leasing rather than direct sales through agents and brokers.

In summary, real estate agents face a highly competitive market with limited opportunities. Transitioning to Government Contracting can offer a more lucrative and less competitive career path. For more information and guidance, visit and explore our certification program to kickstart your consulting business.

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Ray Sefrhans


"DoD Contract Academy helped us identify and win a spot in the AFWERX Challenge showcase! I highly recommend to all companies looking to sell products, services or a new technology to the US military."

$12.7M in Government Contracts